What are Black Holes

Sci Facts
What are Black Holes
September 04, 2019

In this article
  1. How a black hole is formed?,
  2. What is black hole?...in simple words,
  3. The first discovery of a black hole
  4. FACTS about a black hole
  5. What would happen if we fell into a black hole?
  6. How does a black hole pull everything towards itself?,

The universe which is full of many mysteries.  There are many facts that will probably remain a mystery.  Black holes are also one of the many mysterious things that we are talking about.BLACK HOLES, which shocks even the greatest geographers and thinkers, and some other scientists have spent their entire lives searching for them, so let's know what a black hole is?

How a black hole is formed?

Black holes are one of the weirdest things in the universe, they don't exist, where did they come from? What would happen if you fell into a black hole? What are the types of black holes? Black holes are another form of stars, so they first know about stars. Stars are large collections of hydrogen atoms but they contain nuclear fusion. Due to this, this hydrogen is converted into helium and in this action a large amount of energy is released, the energy is called radiation energy and we know that the stars have their own gravity which tries to compress the star. And radiation energy prevents gravity from doing so. So that a star is balanced. After a long period of time, the hydrogen of the star that was producing helium starts to dissipate continuously and when the star's hydrogen is completely dissipated, the radiation energy emanating from the star also dissipates. After this happens, there is a fierce explosion in the star called a supernova. After this explosion, a star that was illuminating the area around it now turns into a terrible black hole..Lorem ipsum dolor sit
The gravity of the star increases so much that it starts attracting all the things around it  and even the light passing through it does not escape but instead starts circling. So this is how a black hole is formed.

What is black hole?...in simple words

Our space can be understood as space time. Every object in space attracts a mass object corresponding to its mass and attracts the object with less mass and the object with less mass starts circling the object with more mass.  To understand, I am using an example,
Suppose 4 people are holding a sheet, those four people are holding the four corners of the sheet, then if a heavy object like a heavy ball is inserted in the sheet, then we see in the sheet where that ball stops.  Is there the sheet is bent in the middle. Now if you put an object whose mass is less than that ball, then that object starts moving towards the same ball which has tilted the sheet due to its mass.
 Something similar happens in space where the stretched sheet is called spacetime and the heavy ball that was cast in the sheet indicates the objects of space that have a very large mass such as the Sun or any other star.  Either a black hole.

How does a black hole pull everything towards itself?

massive objects of space create a kind of stretch in space time so that the object with less mass or light itself gets attracted towards that point of mass but here it does not fall on them but instead of falling it starts circling around them…… This is the reason that from a low mass mass like an Earth to a large star and even more light does not protect itself from the gravitational effect of a black hole and either collapses on it and erases itself or starts circling of that black hole

The first discovery of a black hole…..

The first thing about the black hole to the world was given in 1783 by Professor john Michell, a teacher at Cambridge University.  After him, Pierre semon, a scientist of france, mentioned in detail about black hole in one of his book The system of world. While michell gave his ideas in 1783 but the first black hole to come with proof was found in 1972.  Whose name was cygnus x1
 Cygnus x1 is a black hole that cannot even pass through light and swallows everything it comes in contact with. On February 11, 2016, LIGO Collaboration announced the first direct detection of gravitational waves, a black hole.  The first observation of the merger also shows. As of December 2018, eleven gravitational wave events have been observed that originate from ten merging black holes (with one binary neutron star merging).
On 10 April 2019, the first direct image of the black hole and its surroundings was published.

Other FACTS about a black hole

A distant observer will see the clocks near the black hole more slowly than other clocks.  Because of this effect, an object falling into a black hole appears to be falling at a slow rate as it reaches us through the event horizon, taking infinite time to reach.
 The conclusion is that time moves slowly near the black hole and time does not exist in the center of the black hole.

What would happen if we fell into a black hole?

Let's say you start outside the event horizon of a black hole.  As you look towards it, you see a complete darkness. Around the black hole, you see the familiar stars of the night sky.  But their pattern is strangely distorted, as the light from the distant stars is bent by the gravity of the black hole. As you fall towards the black hole, you move faster and faster, accelerated by its gravity. 
Your feet feel a stronger gravitational pull than your head, as they are closer to the black hole. As a result, your body falls apart. For small black holes, this stretching is so strong that your body explodes completely before reaching the event horizon. If you fall into a supermassive black hole, your body remains intact, even when  You cross the event horizon. But soon you reach the central eccentricity, where you are divided into a point of infinite density. You have become one with the black hole. Unfortunately, you are unable to return home to write about the experience….

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